Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's sister-in-law, Shrima Rai, recently shared a heartfelt post on Instagram about her mother-in-law and the actress' mother, Brindya Rai. She also revealed why she doesn't share pictures with her mother-in-law on her social media handle. In her Instagram Story, Shrima expressed her gratitude to Brindya for supporting her and helping to babysit her children.
Along with a selfie of the two of them, Shrima wrote, "A big shoutout to my MIL for all the support, love, and babysitting the kids while I went on my getaway. While she underwent cancer treatment, I refrained from posting too much of her because she wasn't looking her best, and I respect her privacy." She also placed a crown emoji on Brindya's photo.
Last year, Aishwarya revealed that her mother had been diagnosed with cancer. She spoke about her mother's cancer battle during a special event organized by the GSB Seva Mandal for cancer patients. At the time, Aishwarya opened up about the impact of cancer on her family, adding that her father, Krishnaraj Rai, had tragically died from cancer in March 2017. Aishwarya shared, "Cancer has touched our lives personally. First, it was my dad, and then my mum got it earlier this year, but she has come out of it, with the support of so many incredible doctors and a lot of love and blessings from everyone."
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is currently in the news. Courtesy: the ongoing divorce rumours with Abhishek Bachchan. These rumours gained traction when the couple arrived separately at a high-profile wedding In July. The speculation intensified when Abhishek liked an Instagram post discussing the increase in "grey divorces," which further fuelled the divorce rumours.
The post, which Abhishek Bachchan liked, revolves around the idea of "Why love stops being easy." It also states, "Couples who have been married for long are now parting ways. What has prompted their decision and why are grey divorces on the rise?"
Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan married in April 2007. The two welcomed their daughter Aaradhya Bachchan in November 2011. So far, the couple have not confirmed nor denied the divorce rumours.
On the professional front, they worked together in several films such as Dhai Akshar Prem Ke (2000), Kuch Naa Kaho (2003), Dhoom 2 (2006), Umrao Jaan (2006), Guru (2007), Sarkar Raj (2008), and Raavan (2010)."
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