Actor Sohail Khan, who turned 53 today, celebrated along with his family and friends at a party in Mumbai last night. The guest list included mostly family members. Sohail's brothers Salman and Arbaaz wouldn't have missed his special day for the world. Sohail's sister Arpita Khan Sharma arrived along with husband Aayush Sharma and kids Ayan and Ahil. Sohail's father and veteran writer Salim Khan was also pictured at the festivities. As was Sohail's mother Salma Khan. Sohail's sister Alvira, along with her husband Atul Agnihotri and daughter Alvira, were all all smiles at the party. Helen, singer Iulia Vantur, actors Genelia D'Souza and Riteish Deshmukh were also clicked at the party venue.
See photos from Sohail Khan's birthday party here:
Sohail Khan has featured in films like Maine Dil Tujhko Diya, Lakeer - Forbidden Lines, Krishna Cottage, Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya?Fight Club - Members Only, Heroes, Hello, Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na, God Tussi Great Ho, Tubelight, to name a few.
On the work front, Salman Khan had two releases this year - He first starred in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan alongside Pooja Hegde, Venkatesh Daggubati, Bhumika Chawla, Shehnaaz Gill, Palak Tiwari, Vijender Singh, Raghav Juyal and Jassie Gill. The film was directed by Farhad Samji. His second release of the year was Tiger 3 with Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi. The film was directed by Maneesh Sharma. The actor also made a cameo appearance in Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan earlier this year. Salman Khan also returned as the host for the 17th season of the TV realty show Bigg Boss.
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