Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli celebrated their 6th wedding anniversary on Monday and they wished each other on social media this morning. The actress posed a picture of herself hugging husband Virat and she captioned the post, "Day filled with love and friends and family. Got too late to post for the gram? 6+ infinity of love with my numero uno." Meanwhile, Virat Kohli posted another click with Anushka on his Instagram profile on Tuesday morning and he simply added heart and infinity emojis. The couple can be seen twinning and winning in black outfits.
Anushka Sharma married cricketer Virat Kohli in 2017 in an intimate ceremony in Italy after dating for many years. They welcomed daughter Vamika in January 2021. The two met during the shoot of a shampoo commercial.
Check out Anushka Sharma's post here:
This is what Virat Kohli posted:
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli never fail to give us couple goals. Their "Dance pe chance" video is proof. ICYMI, this is the post we are talking about
In terms of work, the actress will next be seen in the sports biopic Chakda Xpress, her first project after the birth of daughter Vamika. The film is based on the life of cricketer Jhulan Goswami. The film went on floors last year. The actress also featured in a cameo appearance in the Netflix film Qala, produced by her brother Karnesh Sharma last year.
Anushka Sharma is the star of films like Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, PK, Band Baaja Baaraat, Sultan and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, to name a few.
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