This is Alia Bhatt's year and she is totally owning it. In what can be called a big, big win, the actress on Thursday won her first National Award in the Best Actress category for her stellar performance in the film Gangubai Kathiawadi. While wishes are pouring in for the actress, joining the bandwagon was also her RRR director SS Rajamouli, whose own film won a slew of awards at the 69th National Film Awards. RRR director wished Alia Bhatt most sweetly by reiterating her film's iconic dialogue, "Gangu chaand thi, aur chaand hi rahegi( Gangu was the moon and will always remain so)." He wrote, "Gangu chaand thi, aur chaand hi rahegi… Congratulations to our Seetha, Alia Bhatt for winning the coveted prize for Gangubai Kathiawadi."
For those seeking context, Alia Bhatt was part of the blockbuster film RRR directed by Rajamouli. In the film, she played Ram Charan's love interest.
Have a look:
Alia Bhatt was quick to reply to the post as she wrote, "Sir!! This means so much to me. Thank you and congratulations to you too."
Take a look at Alia Bhatt's post below:
Earlier in the day, Alia Bhatt also congratulated team RRR on bagging 6 National Awards.
See Alia Bhatt's congratulatory post:
Gangubai Kathiwadi, based on a real-life sex worker-turned-activist, won five National Awards including Alia Bhatt's Best Actress prize and Best Screenplay for director Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Rocketry: The Nambi Effect won Best Film and Allu Arjun was named Best Actor for Pushpa: The Rise.
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