The makers of Ghoomer had announced earlier this week that the film's trailer will be releasing on Thursday. However, the event was cancelled after the death of noted art director Nitin Desai on Wednesday. Nitin Desai was found dead at his studio in Karjat near Mumbai on Wednesday, news agency PTI reported. He was best-known for working on big projects like Jodhaa Akbar, Lagaan as well as the popular TV quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati. On Wednesday, Abhishek Bachchan announced that the trailer release event has been shifted to August 4 as a "mark of respect" to the late Nitin Desai.
"As a mark of respect to our beloved Nitin Desai, we the team of Ghoomer, have decided to postpone our trailer release function which was to be held tomorrow in Mumbai. We will release it day after on the 4th of August," wrote Abhishek Bachchan.
Read Abhishek Bachchan's statement here:
Earlier this week, Abhishek Bachchan had announced that the trailer of the film will release on Thursday. A new poster was shared to announce the update. "Taqdeer se Taqraa (Fight your fate). Ghoomer Trailer out tomorrow! Ghoomer in cinemas on 18th August," read the caption.
Ghoomer starring Abhishek Bachchan, Saiyami Kher, Angad Bedi and Shabana Azmi in pivotal roles, showcases the story of a paraplegic sportsperson, played by Saiyami Kher, while Abhishek Bachchan stars as her coach.
Ghoomer is slated to have a theatrical release on August 18. The film is also also set to premiere at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2023 (IFFM). The film has been directed by R Balki.
(With inputs from PTI)
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