Kiara Advani celebrated her 31st birthday on Monday and she did it in style. The actress shared glimpses of her festivities on her Instagram profile and they seem like a lot of fun. Kiara is holidaying with husband Sidharth Malhotra by her side and let's just say the two made a splash on Instagram (literally). Posting the video, Kiara Advani wrote, "Happy Birthdayyyy to meeeee. Blessed, grateful for every day and all the love." In the comments section, Shraddha Kapoor commented, "Happy birthday Have the most amazing one." Shilpa Shetty wrote, "Wishing you a very happy birthday Kiara Advani, stay happy and blessed always."
Check out Kiara Advani's post here:
Meanwhile, husband Sidharth Malhotra wished Kiara Advani by posting the same video on his Instagram stories and he wrote, "Happy birthday Ki. Here's to always having the best time with you, one adventure at a time."
See Sidharth Malhotra's Instagram story here:
Kiara Advani's brother Mishal posted this super cute throwback of his sister along with some recent clicks and he wrote, "How it started how it's going. Happy birthday to my biggest inspiration in life, for showing me that dreams really come true. And in case anybody else is inspired, don't quit your job like I did because you don't have the same genes."
Last week, Kiara Advani turned heads at the India Couture Week in Delhi as she walked the runway for designers Falguni and Shane Peacock. "Felt magical walking the ramp for the dream duo at the opening show of couture week," she wrote.
In terms of work, Kiara Advani will next be seen with Ram Charan in Game Changer. She recently starred in the moderately successful Satyaprem Ki Katha, co-starring Kartik Aaryan. Kiara Advani is the star of hits like MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, Jugjugg Jeeyo, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, Lust Stories, among others.
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